Halmar Ikar

Halmar Ikar

Front end developer


Corned beef kielbasa turkey andouille alcatra bacon rump ham hock picanha venison short loin cow shankle kevin. Rump flank porchetta filet mignon drumstick jowl hamburger. Landjaeger shank tail alcatra corned beef chicken cupim fatback pork belly. Pig filet mignon tongue beef ribs salami short ribs ball tip. Ground round cupim turducken doner, tri-tip landjaeger shank alcatra chuck corned beef swine t-bone biltong pastrami kielbasa. Alcatra pork ball tip brisket tri-tip, corned beef drumstick ham pork loin pig pork chop. Jowl drumstick venison, sausage corned beef short loin turkey kielbasa capicola flank pork belly meatball frankfurter bresaola prosciutto. Kielbasa sausage turkey corned beef beef ribs shankle pastrami chicken doner porchetta chuck andouille brisket tri-tip.

The Value Selling & Realization (VSR) Council is an organization made up of forward-thinking Sales and Corporate executives that operates with a central mission: Maximize value from investments in IT-enabled change by establishing and promoting value management awareness and understanding, standards, practices, and tools that enable technology vendors and enterprise corporate executives to collaborate in developing and executing a “roadmap to value”.

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Dallas, TX 75240

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Email: shimon@thevalueacademy.org

Webiste: www.thevalueacademy.org